Char-grilled oysters and smoky kewpie mayonnaise

Vamos a estrenar el video de la receta original del Koyshunka, con una estrella de Michelín,Barcelona. <br />Hideki Matsuhisa, el chef-propietario del local, nos enseña su receta con mahonesa japonesa kewpie.


  • Oysters
  • kewpie mayonnaise
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • Shichimi (seven spice blend)
  1. Open the shells and take out the oysters.
  2. Grill them over the charcoal, spraying on oil and soy sauce.
  3. Cook them until the surface is hot.
  4. Squeeze some kewpie mayonnaise on top, then sprinkle on a little shichimi.
  5. Take a piece of red-hot charcoal and use it to sear the mayonnaise and oyster.
  6. The dish is finished.